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JCI Dragon
Play More Ltd
Established in 1980, Dragon Junior Chamberisthe 11th local chapter (LOM) of the Junior ChamberInternationalHong Kong (JCIHK). The parent organization isaffiliated to theJunior Chamber International (JCI), a worldwideassociation ofyoung people between the ages of 18 and 40.Dragon Junior Chamber is all-male English speaking chapter.Ithas about 90 members, prospective members and senior members,whoare mainly entrepreneurs, professionals, company executives,andfinanciers. Throughout its history, Dragon Junior Chamberhasrecruited a pool of dynamic, talented and competent members.Wehave Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP), WorldTOYPs,listed company chairmen, chairman of local commercialchamber, JPs(Justice of Peace), and senior government officialsamong oursenior members.The organization's objectives are carried out through theFOURAREAS OF OPPORTUNITIES, namely individual; community;internationaland business.IndividualThrough various leadership training programs, membersdevelopvaluable skills such as goal setting, time-management,publicspeaking, parliamentary procedures, protocol, etc.,therebyequipping them with necessary techniques to become futureleadersof the community.CommunityThrough various community development programs such asYouthBusiness Hong Kong (YBHK) campaign, members identify socialneedsand issues, and develop projects to improve the well-being ofthecommunity based on their own expertise in business knowledgeandentrepreneurial skills. Awareness and sensitivity oncommunityproblems are thus enhanced.InternationalThrough a network of 200,000 JCs in more than 100countriesaround the world, members gain valuable internationalexposure,develop international friendship, and derive awarenessoncross-border, cross-culture issues.BusinessMembers can pursue personal business interests throughvariousbusiness projects such as business forums, business matchingandexchange activities with Mainland & HK businessrelatedofficials and entrepreneurs.